Access, Reserves, Interlibrary Loan


Most of the IGS collection is in closed stacks in the basement of Philosophy Hall. To access these materials, fill out a paging slip at the Information Desk, and a library aide will bring them to the reading room. Some material is held at the Northern Regional Library Facility (NRLF) in Richmond, California, and can be requested online via UC Library Search

Most monographs from the IGS Library collection are circulating. We reserve the right to change the status of circulating monographs to non-circulating upon retrieval from our stacks if, upon inspection, we find that they are too fragile, too old, or too rare. Serial titles and most materials from 1918-1977 are non-circulating. Patrons needing non-circulating material over several days may have it held at the Information Desk. Monographs can be requested online via UC Library Search for pickup at IGSL or one of the other campus libraries.

Scanning is available but printing is not available at IGS. For locations of libraries which host printing and scanning, see Printing and Scanning in the Libraries. To ensure a safe and pleasant research environment for all Library patrons, use of the Reading Room is governed by the Library Code of Conduct.

Records for items cataloged since 1983 can be found in UC Library Search. Most materials acquired by IGS prior to 1983 are not accessible via online catalogs. Tools for discovering pre-1983 records include a printed subject catalog (1918-77), a subject card catalog (1978-83), and an author card catalog (1918-83). Users wishing to search these materials should ask library staff for assistance.


Students: Find Reserves For Your Class

Go to your classes’ bCourses sites to find links to required books, videos, and articles that your instructors have selected for the semester. Some instructors may provide these links on their syllabi or through another course management system. If you do not see these links for a particular class, ask your instructor. If the course reserve program is beneficial to you, please let your instructor know, so they are encouraged to submit their required materials for other courses.

Instructors: Place Materials on Reserve

Please submit lists of required books and videos for your courses via email to In the email, please include your course number/title and a list of your required items; for each item, please tell us the title, author, date/edition, and other bibliographic details. Please note items you wish to reuse from previous semesters, as we still need to activate those in the system. Please note: you must submit your requests by the deadline listed in the reserves page. Requests received after that date are unlikely to be available for the start of the semester. For the benefit of our students, we encourage you to submit your requests as soon as possible.

Interlibrary Loan

Non-UC libraries may request materials under 100 pages from IGS via OCLC (using location CBG); the material will be sent via e-mail as a PDF. Non-UC requests for materials that exceed 100 pages should be directed to Interlibrary Services, Doe Library, UC Berkeley.

The IGS Library has a special program for lending California municipal and county codes to San Francisco Bay Area law firm libraries. These libraries may borrow codes for one week with a renewal period of one week. The cost to borrow a code is $45; the cost to renew is $25. Codes must be picked up and returned by messenger. See the Codes page for the list of California Local Codes owned by the Library.

Computer Use Policy

IGS Library offers 3 computers for patron use. Consistent with UC Berkeley's campuswide library computer use policy, all students, faculty, and staff who logon with their CalNet ID will get unrestricted access to the Internet. Visitors can logon for basic access, as indicated on the welcome screen. Basic access includes library catalogs, article databases and other licensed library resources, and all websites in the .edu, .gov, and .org domains. Selected .com sites are enabled. Basic access does not require a CalNet ID.

NYT and WSJ Access

The Wall Street Journal online is available to all UCB students, faculty and staff. Learn more here

The New York Times is available to UCB undergraduate and graduate students. Faculty and staff are not included in this subscription. Learn more here.

"New York Times in Education" is available to anyone with a Berkeley email address. This product includes images, videos, charts, etc produced by the NYT that can be used in teaching and learning. Learn more here.

Find it in the catalog!

UC Library Search includes records for items cataloged at IGSL since 1983. 

Material from before the early 1980s can be found through our subject book catalog (1918-77), subject card catalog (1978-83), and author card catalog (1918-83).