Berkeley IGS Poll

The Berkeley IGS Poll is a periodic survey of California public opinion on important matters of politics, public policy, and public issues. The poll, which is disseminated widely, seeks to provide a broad measure of contemporary public opinion, and to generate data for subsequent scholarly analysis.

Recent IGS Poll reports can be downloaded from eScholarship

The D-Lab makes the IGS Poll data available for download or online analysis here.

Contact:, 510-642-4465; Mark Di Camillo, Berkeley IGS Poll Director,

Read about the Survey Methodology of Berkeley IGS Poll here.

Read IGS Poll Director Mark Di Camillo's bio here.


Release #2024-12, June 28, 2024

Californians show broad-based support for outreach efforts to encourage voting among under-represented populations

Tabulations from an early June 2024 Poll of California Registered Voters about Opinions Expanding Voter Access to the State’s Under-Represented Populations

Release #2024-11, June 25, 2024

Voters favor term limits for local county supervisors, district attorneys, and sheriffs

Tabulations from an early June 2024 Poll of California Registered Voters about Election Reforms to Local Governance

Release #2024-10, June 21, 2024

California voters offer mixed views about how democracy is working in the state

- Tabulations from an early June 2024 Poll of California Registered Voters about Opinions of How Democracy is Working in the State

Release #2024-09, June 18, 2024

The media sources Californians turn to for news about election-related issues vary considerably across the registered voter population

- Tabulations from an early June 2024 Poll of California Registered Voters about Information Sources for News about Election-related Issues

Release #2024-08, June 14, 2024

Turnout in the state’s general election likely to be high, but wide racial and age gaps persist between those most likely to vote and those less certain.

Tabulations from an early June 2024 Poll of California Registered Voters about Interest in Voting in the 2024 General Election

Possibility Lab IGS Poll Release, May 31, 2024

California Voters Voice Concerns Over Access to Basic Resources

- Tabulations for Possibilility Lab IGS Poll

Release #2024-07, March 1, 2024

Trump dominating next week’s California GOP presidential primary

Tabulations from a Late February 2024 Poll of California Voters about 2024 Presidential Politics

Release #2024-06, March 1, 2024

Garvey Now in a Statistical Tie with Schiff in Full-Term U.S. Senate Primary

Tabulations from a Late February 2024 Poll of California Likely Voter Preferences in the March 2024 Primary Election for U.S. Senate

Release #2024-05, January 18, 2024

50% of voters consider the state budget deficit “extremely serious.”

- Tabulations from an early January 2024 Poll of California Registered Voters about Governor Gavin Newsom and the State Budget Deficit

Release #2024-04, January 17, 2024

Californians Split on Immigration: Large Rift Among Democrats

- Tabulations from an early January 2024 Poll of California Registered Voters about Border Security

Release #2024-03, January 15, 2024

Trump in a strong position to capture all of California’s 169 delegates to the Republican National Convention.

- Tabulations from an early January 2024 Poll of California Voters about 2024 Presidential Politics

Release #2024-02, January 12, 2024

The Israel-Hamas conflict is dividing California voters.

- Tabulations from an early January 2024 Poll of California Registered Voters about Israel – Hamas War

Release #2024-01, January 12, 2024

Schiff holds narrow lead in Senate primary for full-term seat; Closer race forecast for partial term Senate seat.

- Tabulations from an Early January 2024 Poll of California Likely Voter Preferences in the March 2024 Primary Election for U.S. Senate

Release #2023-25, November 14, 2023

Broad-based, bipartisan support for state government action to counter threats posed by deepfakes, disinformation and artificial intelligence in next year’s election.

- Tabulations from a late October 2023 Poll of California Registered Voters about the Digitial Dangers Posed to our Democracy of Deepfakes, Disinformation and Artificial Intelligence

Release #2023-24, November 8, 2023

Biden’s job ratings decline in California, while Trump strengthens his hold over the field in the state’s March GOP presidential primary

- Tabulations from a late October 2023 Poll of California Voters about President Biden and 2024 Election Politics

Release #2023-23, November 7, 2023

Newsom job performance rating declines among state voters

- Tabulations from a late October 2023 Poll of California Registered Voters about Governor Gavin Newsom

Release #2023-22, November 3, 2023

U.S. Senate race remains wide-open affair as candidate field expands

- Tabulations from a Late October 2023 Poll of California Likely Voters Preferences in the March 2024 Primary Election for U.S. Senate

Release #2023-21, November 2, 2023

Californians Support State Policies Aimed at Transitioning to Renewable Energy Sources

- Tabulations from a Late October 2023 Poll of California Registered Voters about the State's Climate Change Policies

Release #2023-20, October 24, 2023 

Majorities of Californians Support Teaching Curriculum on Native Peoples in Schools and Tuition Waivers for College-Bound Native American Students

Tabulations from a late August 2023 Poll of California Registered Voters about Education Policies Relating to Native Peoples

Release #2023-19, September 12, 2023 

Most Californians disapprove of the job the U.S. Supreme Court is doing.

- Tabulations from a late August 2023 Poll of California Registered Voters about their Views of the U.S. Supreme Court

Release #2023-18, September 10, 2023 

Majority of voters believe Black Californians continue to be affected by the legacy of slavery, yet cash reparations face headwinds.

- Tabulations from a late August 2023 Poll of California Registered Voters about the Perceptions of the Impact of Slavery the State’s Black Residents and Reactions to the Proposal to Make Cash Payments to the Black Descendants of Slaves Now Living in California

Release #2023-17, September 8, 2023 

Three in four Californians report experiencing recent periods of extreme heat.  Support for policies aimed at minimizing its impact.

- Tabulations from a late August 2023 Poll of California Registered Voters about Extreme Heat and Policies Aimed at Minimizing its Impact

Release #2023-16, September 7, 2023

The U.S. Senate election to succeed Feinstein remains a wide-open affair.
Schiff and Porter are leading, but one in three likely voters undecided.

- Tabulations from a late August 2023 Poll of Likely Voter Preferences in California’s March 2024 Primary Election for U.S. Senate

Release #2023-15, September 6, 2023

Trump is now the choice of 55% of California Republicans in the state's March presidential primary.

Release #2023-14, August 17,2023

Majorities of California voters support reforms on redistricting, money in politics and local primary elections.

- Tabulations from a July 2023 Poll ofCalifornia Registered Voterabout Voter Information Sources for Elections and Politics

Release #2023-13, August 16, 2023

California voters in need of news and information they can trust when voting, wary of online disinformation.

- Tabulations from a July 2023 Poll of California Registered Voters about Voter Information Sources for Elections and Politics

Release #2023-12, August 15, 2023

Californians want their elected leaders to reflect the diversity of its people.

Tabulations from a July 2023 Poll of California Registered Voters about Diversity of the State’s Elected Officials

Release #2023-11, August 10, 2023

Most Californians have confidence in the state's democracy, but opinions divide sharply along partisan and ideological grounds

- Tabulations from a July 2023 Poll of California Registered Voters about How Well Democracy is Working in California

Release #2023-10, August 8, 2023

Californians express support for more funding to help close persistent gaps in voting participation

- Tabulations from a July 2023 Poll of California Registered Voters about Voter Concerns with the Large Differences in Voting Participation Rates Across Different Segments of the Electorate

Release #2023-09, June 2, 2023

Strong Bipartisan Support for Changing Some of the Rules Applicable to the State Ballot Referendum Process

- Tabulations from a May 2023 Poll of California Registered Voters About Rules for Qualifying Referenda for the Statewide Ballot

Release #2023-08, June 1, 2023

Many Californians report being personally impacted by last year’s unusually heavy precipitation

- Tabulations from a May 2023 Poll of California Registered Voters About the State’s Changing Weather, Climate Change, and Related Water Issues

Release #2023-07, May 28, 2023

Trump opens up big lead in California’s GOP presidential primary

- Tabulations from a May 2023 Poll of California Republicans about the State's 2024 Presidential Primary and Views of the Overall Statewide Electorate About Former President Donald Trump

Release #2023-06, May 26, 2023

Californians reasonably optimistic that an agreement on the debt ceiling will be reached, but foresee major problems if it is not

Tabulations from a May 2023 Poll of California Registered Voters about the Nation’s Debt Ceiling and Job Ratings of the President and the Congress

Release #2023-05, May 25, 2023

Two-thirds of Californians believe Feinstein no longer fit to serve in the Senate; Plurality supports her resignation to allow Newsom to appoint a successor

- Tabulations from a May 2023 Poll of California Registered Voters about Senator Feinstein and Likely Voter Preferences in Next Year's Senate Primary

Release #2023-04, March 1, 2023

While Californians view Newsom in very positive terms, clouds loom with regard to his managing the state’s impending budget deficit.

- Tabulations from a February 2023 Poll of California Registered Voters about Prominent California Politicians, Governor Newsom and the State Budget Deficit

Release #2023-03, February 28, 2023

Big differences in the perceived threat of becoming a gun violence victim underlie partisans’ differing views on gun control

Tabulations from a February 2023 Poll of California Registered Voters about Gun Violence and Mass Shootings in California

Release #2023-02, February 24, 2023

Biden job ratings rebound in California, but most still oppose a re-election bid.DeSantis vaults ahead of Trump in state’s GOP presidential primary

- Tabulations from a February 2023 Poll of California Registered Voters about President Biden and 2024 Presidential Politics

Release #2023-01, February 23, 2023

Schiff and Porter hold early lead over Lee (and Khanna) in potential matchups to succeed Feinstein for U.S. Senate.

- Tabulations from a February 2023 Poll of California Registered Voters about Senator Dianne Feinstein and the Election to Succeed her in the U.S. Senate