Beck Tran

Job title: 
Class of 2024
2023 Cal-in-Sacramento Student Director
2023 Cal-in-Sacramento
2023 Diversity & Entrepreneurship Fellow
2022 Cal-in-Sacramento
2022 Diversity & Entrepreneurship Fellow

Beck Tran is a second-generation Vietnamese Taiwanese American. They grew up with two immigrant parents, one of whom was a refugee from Vietnam, resulting in their early exposure to issues regarding immigration, language barriers, and racial discrimination. As an aspiring attorney who is studying Legal Studies and Asian American Studies in their undergraduate education, they are especially driven to improve issues regarding diverse representation in positions of power, social equity for ethnic minority and LGBTQ+ communities, and diversity in business.

They are the 2022 student director of the Cal-in-Sacramento program and work with the Goldman School of Public Policy in researching the intersection between racial/socio-economic bias while improving law enforcement procedures to reduce the impact of racial-bias. On campus, Rebecca is the director of the UC Berkeley VITA tax clinic, where they train and lead 60 tax preparers in serving underprivileged, international, and local communities. They also work as a caseworker in the UC Berkeley Student Legal Clinic to assist similar communities by providing legal research and assistance.

Last summer, Beck interned CA Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis, researching policies, and briefing the LG on key issues, while attending legislature committee hearings on the LG’s behalf. As a two-year Diversity and Entrepreneurship Fellow, they researched how COVID-19-related hate crimes impact AAPI businesses and presented solutions to mitigate this issue. This upcoming year, Rebecca will be researching barriers that female POC small business owners face in accessing capital and product innovation.

Research interests: 

Major(s): Legal Studies 

Minor(s): Asian American Studies