Deepak Premkumar is a research fellow at the Public Policy Institute of California, where he specializes in the intersection of race, criminal justice, and health. Through the lens and tools of an economist, his recent work examines the broader effects of police use-of-force and social costs of policing. He aims to provide an empirical guide to understand the determinants of disparities in the legal and health systems, while investigating policies to alleviate them. He has published a book chapter, co-written with Justin McCrary, in The Cambridge Handbook of Policing in the United States. His research has received support from Horowitz Foundation, and the Center for the Study of Law and Society, where he was a Berkeley Empirical Legal Studies Fellow from 2018–2019. He received his PhD in agricultural and resource economics from University of California, Berkeley.
Job title:
PPIC Research Affiliate
Public Policy Institute of California