Molly Jordan Jacoby

Job title: 
Class of 2023
2023 Cal-in-Sacramento
2023 Diversity & Entrepreneurship Fellow

Molly is a fourth-year student majoring in Sociology with a concentration in research methods and minoring in Journalism. Throughout her adolescent years, Molly felt confined by the close-mindedness of those in power in her hometown, and she created a goal to institute substantial societal change so that future generations would have the opportunity to feel heard and to express themselves freely. In her time at UC Berkeley, Molly has participated in two research apprenticeships with the Sociology and Political Science departments, in which she has studied the impacts of COVID-19 on public school teachers as well as evolving human rights strategies under changing political conditions in UN member nations. Through these experiences, Molly has found that social science research has the power to uplift voices that remain unheard and to complete the consciousness of the world. Molly has also studied in London and Cyprus, and she is eager to bring her global perspective and research experience into the Cal-in-Sac fellowship as she learns firsthand how advocacy and public policy can instill lasting change and uplift marginalized voices.

Research interests: 

Major(s): Sociology

Minor(s): Journalism