Documentary Supplements to The Gold and the Blue


In his two-volume memoir, The Gold and the Blue: Academic Triumphs and Political Turmoil, Clark Kerr refers to key documents that describe people, events, and policies that shaped the University of California during his years as the Berkeley campus's first chancellor and as university president. Many of those documents are reproduced in this volume. They range from memorial statements and testimonials for associates who worked tirelessly for the university to documents that convey student, legal, and administrative points of view during the 1960's Free Speech Movement. Also included are the full texts of Kerr's speeches and statements on civil rights excerpted in The Gold and the Blue, Chancellor McHenry's views on academic organization at UC Santa Cruz, and documents relating to the California State Senate's Un-American Activities Committee's long investigation into possible communist subversion on campus. As with the other volumes of the Clark Kerr Memoirs Project published by the Institute of Governmental Studies, this Documentary Supplement adds detail and insight to Kerr's description of the University of California in the mid-twentieth century as it wrestled with political challenges while also achieving academic excellence.

Edited by Clark Kerr
Publication date: 
February 1, 2003
Publication type: 
UC History & Higher Education