June 8, 2010 Ballot Prop. 13

Proposition 13: Seismic Retrofitting

Official Results

Available once the California Secretary of State has certified the election. This can take up to 3 weeks or more.

Yes votes: 3,263,664 (84.6%)
No votes: 598,245 (15.4%)

Earthquake safety improvements made to unreinforced masonry (such as brick) buildings would not result in higher property taxes until the property is sold.

Pro/Con Statements

Supporters say that Proposition 13 makes necessary changes to the state constitution in order to eliminate a dangerous disincentive for property owners to upgrade un-reinforced masonry structures in order to improve earth quake safety. Supporters also say that the proposition promotes fairness by eliminating the unequal treatment of different types of property which undergo seismic safety improvements.
California Chamber of Commerce N/A