Cal-in-Sac Research Fellowships

Cal-in-Sacramento Research Fellowships

Cal-in-Sacramento applicants are invited to apply to one of the following Research Fellowships, which provide additional resources and support for the summer research project. Research Fellowship applications are included in the Cal-in-Sacramento application form. Note that these Research Fellowships are only awarded to accepted Cal-in-Sacramento Fellows.

The Diversity and Entrepreneurship Fellowship supports Cal-in-Sac Fellows whose research projects focus on the challenges and opportunities faced by diverse entrepreneurs and small business owners. Fellows are paired with an expert mentor and have the opportunity to present their findings at a fall research symposium.

Jo Freeman Women in Politics Fellowship

The Jo Freeman Women in Politics Fellowship supports Cal-in-Sac Fellows whose individual research projects focus on women in politics, including research on public policies that affect women.

The Golden State Fellowship

The Golden State Fellowship supports Cal-in-Sac Fellows who secure a summer placement interning in an organization related to civic and political advocacy (e.g., labor unions, voting rights organizations, immigrant rights organizations, racial justice organizations), and who has demonstrated a commitment to diversity.

Kenneth Burt Fellowship

The Kenneth Burt Fellowship supports Cal-in-Sac Fellows whose individual research projects focus on Latinx education, labor, and or another policy area impacting the Latinx community.

Help support future Cal-in-Sac Ken Burt Fellows.  Give to the Kenneth Burt Memorial Fund here.