The California Local Government Documents Collection (LoCALDig) is live! This new collection from the Institute of Governmental Studies Library (IGSL) is now available to search and explore at the Internet Archive. Find digitized documents of over 3000 (and growing) plans, policy reports, and more.
Democratizing Access: The IGS Library digitizes its archive of California local government documents
A key principle of a democratic society is the necessity for the citizenry to have access to the facts of how their government functions, what policies shape their lives, and, perhaps most importantly, how to influence change and engage with their democratic institutions. How do we ensure that we have access to government information that helps us understand current and historical decisions made by policy makers? How do we enhance civic engagement in a time when the population are skeptical that they can make an effective impact on governing institutions?
To highlight some of the documents in the new collection, IGSL has launched an exhibit in the library's reading room. The exhibit, which runs through June, showcases physical items that are now available in digital form in the online LoCALDig collection. The documents display a range of the kind of publications that exist in the local government sphere. Included are reports that examine the evolution of public sector telecommunications in the Southern California region during the mid 1980's, noise pollution in the town of Santa Cruz in 1976, and urban programs that address the needs of the inhabitants of low income districts in the city of Oakland. Local governments handle an array of publications, everything from zoning outlines, to public health reports, public safety and resilience information, and climate change action plans. With such a wealth of information, these documents are particularly robust tools to enhance public engagement. The California Local Government Documents exhibit offers a taste of what's available.
Background on the project: In the Summer of 2024, the IGS Library (IGSL) kicked off its multi-year California Local Government Documents digitization project. IGSL in collaboration with the California State Library (CSL), UCLA Young Research Library (UCLA), and in partnership with the Internet Archive, has launched the LoCAL Dig Project, a groundbreaking effort funded by the State of California. This multi-year effort aims to digitize over 10,000 local government publications from cities, counties, and regional agencies across California, creating an unparalleled digital resource for understanding local governance, land use, and public policy trends over time.
See our project web page for more information on LoCALDig and visit IGSL to view our exhibit. We’re excited by our new project and we want to share it with you!
Please contact us with any questions! / (510) 642-1472