Alex Rodriguez is a Latinx, first-generation student majoring in Legal Studies and double-minoring in Education and Global Poverty and Practice. He grew up in a lower working class community in South Central Los Angeles in his immigrant household. Considering his background, Alex is interested in becoming a civil rights attorney to make strides within the legal system to help undocumented, poor, and non-English communities through legal advoacy and activism. Alex has interned with the ACLU of Northern California, ACLU California Action, UC Berkeley Student Immigration Clinic, and SoLa Impact in hopes to fight for the aforementioned communities.
Alex is also heavily involved with education-related advocacy. He is invested in researching solutions to critical issues in education such as: hidden curriculum, imposter syndrome, the ban on critical race theory, critical pedagogy, banking method of teaching, master narrative, Prop 15, Prop 22, LCAP, LCFF and much more. Alex has engaged in praxis by starting his own non-profit, Success to All Races, that works with middle school students in a summer camp-like setting. Alex has also TA’d an education class here at Berkeley, EDU 190:Critical Studies in Education.
Major(s): Legal Studies