November 6, 2018 Ballot Prop. 1

Proposition 1: Affordable housing bond

Official Results

Available once the California Secretary of State has certified the election. This can take up to 3 weeks or more.

Yes votes: 6,751,018 (56.2%)

No votes: 5,258,157 (43.8%)

Proposition 1 would authorize $4 billion in general obligation bonds for state multi-family housing infrastructure programs, homeownership programs, farm housing programs, and projects and housing loans for veterans. The state would pay approximately $5.9 billion over 33 years on the principal and the interest.

Voter Information

Public Opinion

Non-Partisan Resources

Pro/Con Statements


Proponents of Proposition 1 contend that the measure will bring much needed housing relief for California citizens. They claim the measure will target those most in need: veterans, homeless families, people with disabilities, and domestic violence victims. They claim the measure has broad support from both social welfare groups and the business community.

Opponents of Proposition 1 claim that the proponents of the measure need to fully justify it by addressing details of its full cost, confirming that the funds will be used for the uses specified, and providing justification of the uses.
CA Republican Party