November 6, 2018 Ballot Prop. 2

Proposition 2: Mental Health Funding for Housing

Official Results

Available once the California Secretary of State has certified the election. This can take up to 3 weeks or more.

Yes votes: 7,662,528 (63.4%)

No votes: 4,417,327 (36.6%)

Proposition 2 would allow the state to carry out No Place Like Home, legislation enacted in 2016 to build and rehabilitate housing for those with mental illness who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Proposition 63, an initiative passed in 2004, created the tax whose revenues would be used to fund No Place Like Home. As the tax revenue was created by a ballot initiative, state law requires a vote by the public on its uses.

Voter Information

Public Opinion

Non-Partisan Resources

Pro/Con Statements

Supporters say the measure is necessary to combat the homelessness crisis in the state. They claim the measure will not affect taxpayers. They say the measure will create over 20,000 new housing units and will institute coordinated mental health and substance abuse services.
Opponents believe the measure will benefit bureacrats and developers, not those in need. They believe the costs of the measure are too high. They also say the measure is unnecessary since Propositon 63, passed in 2004, already dedicated money to treatment of the mentally ill.
National Alliance of Mental Illness