
Cal-in-Sacramento Fellowship

Cal-in-Sacramento is one of the University of California’s largest and most prestigious campus-based public service internship programs. For the past five decades, hundreds of Cal students have gone to Sacramento under our auspices to gain first-hand experience in the most dynamic state capital in the country. Many of these students have gone on to careers in politics, government, and public service.

Sacramento Partners

For 50 years, the Cal-in-Sacramento program has helped prepare our state's future leaders for careers in public service. Help us train the next generation!

Every year, the Robert T. Matsui Center for Politics and Public Service at UC Berkeley sends 30 undergraduate students to Sacramento to complete highly substantive public service internships. Before commencing their internships, Fellows are required to take a 3-unit spring semester course on California politics, policy, and governance, which is designed to train and prepare...

Democracy Camp

Democracy Camp is designed for Cal undergrads who are interested in enhancing our democracy through public service. Students can apply to one of two programs: Democracy Camp in Berkeley, the Matsui Center's alternative spring break program, or Democracy Camp in DC, a weeklong...

Democracy Camp in Berkeley

Program Overview Students participate in a series of meetings with local and state leaders and gain exposure to different facets of public service: legislative paths, community organizations, local and state government, legal fields, research, and philanthropy. Students have opportunities to expand their network and form meaningful connections with each other and with public service professionals (many of whom are Cal alumni). The program provides professional development and skill-building workshops, such as a resume workshop, networking practice, and more. Participants go...

Democracy Camp in DC

Program Overview A cohort of 15 undergraduate students travel to Washington, DC for a 9-day immersive experience in our nation’s capital. Students stay in shared housing at the UC Washington Center (UCDC), situated in the heart of DC, and have opportunities to explore the city and visit sites of cultural and historical significance. The program is designed for students who are interested in pursuing public service careers at the...

Cal-in-Sac Research Fellowships

Cal-in-Sacramento Research Fellowships

Cal-in-Sacramento applicants are invited to apply to one of the following Research Fellowships, which provide additional resources and support for the summer research project. Research Fellowship applications are included in the Cal-in-Sacramento application form. Note that these Research Fellowships are only awarded to accepted Cal-in-Sacramento Fellows.

About the Program

The Cal-in-Sacramento Fellowship is designed to train the next generation of public service leaders through a highly supportive and comprehensive approach to experiential learning.

Fellows develop critical skills and engage thoughtfully with key policy issues using a 3-pillar model, combining coursework, research training, and professional development. These components provide the foundation for the Cal-in-Sacramento capstone: the summer public service internship.

About the Program

About the Program

The Robert T. Matsui Center for Politics and Public Service is pleased to partner with Leonard D. Schaeffer Fellows in Government Service program to deliver high-quality enrichment experiences to UC Berkeley undergraduates. The Schaeffer Fellowship is a national program administered at the University of Southern California and includes five participating universities: UC Berkeley, Princeton, Harvard, the University of Virginia, and USC. Since 2015, the Fellowship has...

Student FAQ

Have a question about the Matsui Center or IGS? Here are some common questions we receive from students.

Don't see the question you're looking for? Reach out to igs@berkeley.edu or matsuicenter@berkeley.edu.

IGS Fellowships

IGS Fellowships

The Institute of Governmental Studies provides extraordinary resources for both undergraduate students and graduating seniors at UC Berkeley, helping to train the next generation of leaders to serve our state and nation. Undergraduate students are invited to peruse the Matui Center's Programs and Fellowships. Current students who are seeking post-graduation fellowship opportunities are invited to apply for the...