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November 3, 2020 Ballot Prop. 16

Proposition 16: Restoring Affirmative Action Official Results

Available once the California Secretary of State has certified the election. This can take up to 3 weeks or more.

Yes votes: 7,216,721 (42.8%)

No votes: 9,655,024 (57.2%)

Proposition 16 would repeal Proposition 209 (1996) by permitting state and local entities to consider race, sex, color, ethnicity, and national origin in public education, public employment, and public contracting to the extent allowed under federal and state law.

Voter Information...

November 8, 2016 Ballot Prop. 53

Proposition 53: Voter Approval Requirement for Revenue Bonds Over $2 Billion Official Results

Available once the California Secretary of State has certified the election. This can take up to 3 weeks or more.

Yes votes: 6,508,909 (49.4%) No votes: 6,660,555 (50.6%)

Requires statewide voter approval before any revenue bonds can be issued or sold by the state for certain projects if the bond amount exceeds $2 billion. Fiscal Impact: State and local fiscal effects are unknown and would depend on which projects are affected by the...

June 5, 2018 Ballot Prop. 69

Proposition 69: Transportation Taxes and Fees Allocation Official Results

Available once the California Secretary of State has certified the election. This can take up to 3 weeks or more.

Yes votes: 5,386,972 (81.0%)

No votes: 1,262,455 (19.0%)

Proposition 69 amends the State Constitution to require that the Legislature spend revenues from the 2017 diesel sales taxes and vehicle license fees on transportation purposes. This requirement also applies to existing diesel sales tax revenues—not just those imposed by the...

June 5, 2018 Ballot Prop. 70

Proposition 70: Spending Rules for Cap and Trade Revenue Official Results

Available once the California Secretary of State has certified the election. This can take up to 3 weeks or more.

Yes votes:2,251,740 (35.3%)

No votes: 4,126,406 (64.7%)

Beginning on January 1, 2024, revenue collected from the sale of state greenhouse gas emission permits would be deposited into a new special fund. These deposits would continue until the effective date of a bill that spends money from that fund, passed with a two-thirds vote of each house of the...

June 5, 2018 Ballot Prop. 68

Proposition 68: Parks and Water Projects Bond Official Results

Available once the California Secretary of State has certified the election. This can take up to 3 weeks or more.

Yes votes: 3,808,000 (57.4%)

No votes: 2,831,899 (42.6%)

This proposition allows the state to sell a total of $4.1 billion in General Obligation bonds for various natural resources-related programs. This total includes $4 billion in new bonds. It also includes a redirection of $100 million in unsold bonds that voters previously approved for...

November 6, 2018 Ballot Prop. 12

Proposition 12: Improve Conditions for Farm Animals Official Results

Available once the California Secretary of State has certified the election. This can take up to 3 weeks or more.

Yes votes: 7,551,434 (62.7%)

No votes: 4,499,702 (37.3%)

Proposition 12 would ban meat and eggs sales from calve, pigs, or hens raised in pens smaller than a spcified number of feet. Specifically, hens could not be raised in pens with less than 1 foot of floor space. Pigs could not be raised in pens with less than 24 feet of floor space. And calves could...

November 6, 2018 Ballot Prop. 11

Proposition 11: Paramedic Break Time Official Results

Available once the California Secretary of State has certified the election. This can take up to 3 weeks or more.

Yes votes: 7,181,116 (59.6%)

No votes: 4,861,831 (40.4%)

Proposition 11 would alter state laws that affect private paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians. Under the measure, EMT’s and paramedics would be required to be on call during their entire shift including breaks. Ambulance companies would also be required to offer EMTs and paramedics mental health services and education on disasters...

November 6, 2018 Ballot Prop. 7

Proposition 7: Repeal Daylight Savings Time Official Results

Available once the California Secretary of State has certified the election. This can take up to 3 weeks or more.

Yes votes: 7,167,315 (59.7%)

No votes: 4,828,564 (40.3%)

Proposition 7 permits the Legislature to change daylight savings time with a two-thirds vote as long as it is permitted under federal law. Currently, California has a saving time period from early March to early November. A change to a year-around time period could affect state energy consumption and the...

November 6, 2018 Ballot Prop. 10

Proposition 10: Expanded Rent Control Official Results

Available once the California Secretary of State has certified the election. This can take up to 3 weeks or more.

Yes votes: 4,949,543 (40.6%)

No votes: 7,251,443 (59.4%)

Proposition 10 would repeals Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act, which limits local rent control laws. Under the measure, cities and counties can regulate rents for all housing and limit rent increases a landlord may impose when a new renter moves in. Local rent control laws would not be affected. The measure would...

November 6, 2018 Ballot Prop. 2

Proposition 2: Mental Health Funding for Housing Official Results

Available once the California Secretary of State has certified the election. This can take up to 3 weeks or more.

Yes votes: 7,662,528 (63.4%)

No votes: 4,417,327 (36.6%)

Proposition 2 would allow the state to carry out No Place Like Home, legislation enacted in 2016 to build and rehabilitate housing for those with mental illness who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Proposition 63, an initiative passed in 2004, created the tax whose revenues would be used...