November 3, 2020 Ballot Prop. 22

Proposition 22: App-Based Rideshare and Delivery Drivers

Official Results

Available once the California Secretary of State has certified the election. This can take up to 3 weeks or more.

Yes votes: 9,957,858 (58.6%)

No votes: 7,027,467 (41.4%)

Proposition 22 would classify app-based rideshare and delivery drivers as independent contractors, overriding Assembly Bill 5 (2019) which established a three-factor test to determine whether a worker was an independent contractor. As independent contractors, app-based workers would not be covered by state labor laws, so Proposition 22 would enact labor and wage policies for app-based drivers and companies. This measure prohibits workplace discrimination and requires that companies develop sexual harassment policies, conduct criminal background checks, and institute training for drivers.

Voter Information

Public Opinion

Non-Partisan Resources

Pro/Con Statements

Supporters of Proposition 22 claim that the measure is designed to give employees more freedom by making them independent contractors. They say that app-based driver services will lose revenues if drivers are designated as employees.
Opponents of Proposition 22 say that the measure is designed to keep profits high for multi-billion dollar companies. They point to the fact that drivers currently aren't guaranteed a minimum wage, reimbursement costs, and the right to unionize. They claim this measure will strip drivers of even more rights.
Yes on 22 No on 22