Affiliated Faculty

Sarah Anzia

Associate Professor of Political Science & Public Policy
Sarah Anzia studies American politics with a focus on state and local government, elections, interest groups, political parties, and public policy. Her book, Timing and Turnout: How Off-Cycle Elections Favor Organized Groups, examines how the timing of elections can be manipulated to affect both voter turnout and the composition of the electorate, which, in turn, affects election outcomes and public policy. She also studies the role of government employees and public-sector unions in elections and policymaking in the U.S. In addition, she has written about the politics of public pensions,...

Terri Bimes

Associate Teaching Professor
Charles and Louis Travers Department of Political Science

Terri Bimes is an Associate Teaching Professor in the Charles and Louise Travers Department of Political Science, teaching courses on the presidency and the senior honor thesis writing seminar. Her past publications include articles on populism and presidential elections. She also directs the John Gardner Public Service Fellowship Program.

Mina Boukhris

Class of 2025
2024 Democracy Camp in Berkeley

Mina Boukhris (she/her)

My name is Mina Boukhris, and I am a second-year student at UC Berkeley majoring in legal studies with a minor in city planning. I am passionate about using city planning policy to create more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable built environments. I look forward to meeting California public service leaders in Democracy Camp to see how they tackle the most pressing problems in our cities, such as the rising unhoused population and people living under the poverty threshold. It is an honor to be selected for the Spring 2024 Democracy Camp,...

Mark Brilliant

Associate Professor
Department of History
Program in American Studies

Born in New York City and raised in Denver, Colorado, I received my bachelor's degree from Brown University(link is external) in 1989. I then taught social studies at Lafayette High School (link is external)in Brooklyn, New York from 1990 through 1994, after which I headed to Stanford University(link is external), where I earned my Ph.D. in history in 2002. Following Stanford, I spent two years at Yale University, the first as a post-doctoral fellow at the Howard R. Lamar Center for the Study of Frontiers and Borders(link is external) and the second as a lecturer in the history...

David A. Carrillo

Lecturer in Residence; Executive Director, California Constitution Center
Berkeley Law School

David A. Carrillo joined the Berkeley Law faculty as the founding Executive Director of the California Constitution Center in 2012. The center is devoted to developing scholarship concerning the California Constitution and the California Supreme Court.

In October 2019, California Governor Gavin Newsom appointed Dr. Carrillo to a four-year term on the California Law Revision Commission.

Dr. Carrillo received his doctorate from Berkeley Law, with a dissertation focused on several areas of California constitutional law. Dr. Carrillo teaches courses on the California Constitution...

Karen Chapple

Professor of City & Regional Planning, Carmel P. Friesen Chair
College of Environmental Design

Karen Chapple, Ph.D., is a Professor of City and Regional Planning at the University of California, Berkeley. Chapple specializes in housing, community and economic development, as well as regional planning. She has most recently published on job creation on industrial land (in Economic Development Quarterly) and accessory dwelling units as a smart growth policy (in the Journal of Urbanism). Her recent book (Routledge, September 2014) is entitled...

Jack Citrin

Heller Professor of Political Science
Charles and Louis Travers Department of Political Science

Jack Citrin, Professor of Political Science at the University of California at Berkeley, and former director of the Institute of Governmental Studies, was born in Shanghai, China, and grew up in China and Japan. A graduate of McGill University (1961), he received the Sir Geoffrey Dawson Scholarship to study at the Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris in 1962-63 and received an M.A. degree from McGill in 1963. He received his Ph.D in Political Science from the University of California at Berkeley in 1970 after spending a year on a Traveling Fellowship in the United Kingdom. He has taught...

Daniel Cohen

Assistant Professor of Sociology
Department of Sociology

Daniel Aldana Cohen is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Berkeley, where he is Director of the Socio-Spatial Climate Collaborative, or (SC)2, and and serves as a member of the Graduate Group of the Designated Emphasis in Political Economy. He is also Founding Co-Director of the Climate and Community Project. He is a...

Iris De Leon

Class of 2027
2024 Democracy Camp in Berkeley

Iris De Leon (he/him)

Iris De Leon is a first-generation student at UC Berkeley. As a first year with an intended political science major, she is determined to work for immigrant advocacy, and uplifting students’ voices. Being raised in Los Angeles, Iris has made it her prime objective to represent and give back to the community that had a strong impact on her upbringing. Coming from a low-income community and having experienced scarcity of educational resources has only motivated her to work towards advocacy of marginalized groups and building community.


Tonya DeGruy

Class of 2025
2024 Democracy Camp in Berkeley

Tonya DeGruy (she/her)

Tonya DeGruy is a non-traditional transfer student at the University of California, Berkeley in her second semester. Tonya was raised in the city of Los Angeles with a single mom. Being a non-traditional student returning to school later in life after having many life experiences, she has been able to pursue her goals with tenacity and dedication. Though growing up she was faced with many social and economic challenges, it has enabled her to be goal-driven with perseverance and commitment to her passion for the law and...