November 6, 2012 Ballot Prop. 30

Proposition 30: Temporary Taxes to Fund State Programs

Official Results

Available once the California Secretary of State has certified the election. This can take up to 3 weeks or more.

Yes votes: 7,014,114 (55.4%)
No votes: 5,653,636 (44.6%)

Proposition 30 temporarily increases the state sales tax rate and the personal income tax rates for taxpayers with incomes above a certain level. The revenues generated would be used to fund schools and public safety programs. The state’s 2012-13 budget plan—approved by the Governor and the Legislature in June 2012—assumes passage of this measure.

Pro/Con Statements

Proponents of Proposition 30 believe that the measure will prevent billions in school cuts this year. They claim that Prop. 30 will establish a constitutional guarantee for public safety funding which can be altered only with voter approval. Proponents claim that Prop. 30 is essential in balancing the budget.
Opponents of Proposition 30 claim that the measure's tax hikes will not guarantee additional money for education. They advocate reforming schools and the public pension system instead of raising taxes.
Yes on Prop. 30