November 8, 2016 Ballot Prop. 64

Proposition 64: Marijuana Legalization

Official Results

Available once the California Secretary of State has certified the election. This can take up to 3 weeks or more.

Yes votes: 7,979,041 (57.1%)
No votes: 5,987,020 (42.9%)

Legalizes marijuana under state law, for use by adults 21 or older. Imposes state taxes on sales and cultivation. Provides for industry licensing and establishes standards for marijuana products. Allows local regulation and taxation. Fiscal Impact: Additional tax revenues ranging from high hundreds of millions of dollars to over $1 billion annually, mostly dedicated to specific purposes. Reduced criminal justice costs of tens of millions of dollars annually.

Pro/Con Statements

Proponents of Proposition 64 believe that the measure creates a safe and legal system for adult use of marijuana. They claim that marijuana is already widely used in California, but without the regulations and taxes that Proposition 64 would provide. Supporters say that the measure will reduce law enforcement costs and increase tax revenue, benefitting the state by over $11 billion in the next decade.
Opponents of Proposition 64 believe the measure will increase drug problems in the inner cities, highway fatalities, and the number of young people exposed to the drug. They claim black market drug activity will not be affected by marijuana legalization. They point to the provisions in the measure to allow marijuana advertising on television as a move backwards since smoking ads are no longer allowed on television.