IGS Library

November 5, 2024 Ballot Prop. 34

Proposition 34: Restricts Spending of Prescription Drug Revenues by Certain Health Care Providers. Initiative Statute. Protect Patients Now Act of 2024 Summary

Proposition 34 (Prop. 34) is a citizen-initiated ballot measure. There are two key components to this proposed law.

Prop. 34 will make Governor Newsom’s Executive ...

November 5, 2024 Ballot Prop. 6

Proposition 6: Eliminates Constitutional Provision Allowing Involuntary Servitude for Incarcerated Persons. Legislative Constitutional Amendment. Summary

Proposition 6 is a legislatively referred constitutional amendment. It would remove language from the state constitution that allows jails and prisons to impose involuntary servitude as a criminal punishment. If the proposition passes, prisoners can refuse a work assignment without punishment. It would allow inmates to voluntarily accept work assignments in exchange for credit to...

November 5, 2024 Ballot Prop. 5

Proposition 5: Allows Local Bonds for Affordable Housing and Public Infrastructure With 55% Voter Approval. Legislative Constitutional Amendment. Summary

Proposition 5 is a legislatively referred constitutional amendment that changes the rules in the California Constitution for approving particular local government general obligation bonds. It also requires local governments to monitor the use of revenues in specific ways. The proposition lowers the voter approval requirement from two-thirds to 55 % if the bonds fund housing...

November 5, 2024 Ballot Prop. 4

Proposition 4: Authorizes Bonds for Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, and Protecting Communities and Natural Lands From Climate Risks. Legislative Statute. Authorizes Bonds for Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, and Protecting Communities and Natural Lands From Climate Risks. Legislative Statute. Summary

Proposition 4 is a legislatively referred bond act which permits the state to sell a $10 billion bond to fund assorted projects to reduce climate change risks including...

November 5, 2024 Ballot Prop. 3

Proposition 3: Constitutional Right to Marriage. Legislative Constitutional Amendment Summary

Proposition 3 is a legislatively referred constitutional amendment. It would update the language in the California Constitution so that it mirrors what federal courts have ruled about who can marry. Specifically, the measure repeals Proposition 8 (2008), which defined marriage in the state constitution as between one man and one woman.The proposition would also add text establishing a right to marry as furtherance of the right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness...

November 5, 2024 General Election Ballot Endorsements

For each election, staff at the IGS Library compile endorsements from key state newspapers, non-profit organizations, political parties, and unions. For the November election, we begin checking websites for endorsements in mid-September and continue checking weekly until Election Day.

Table Coding Key

Y = Yes, the group endorses the measure.

N = No, the group does not endorse the measure.



Blank = no endorsement made and did not state NP or NEU

* = No Endorsements found...

California Ballot Proposition Guides

These guides contain concise descriptions of ballot measures including non-partisan analyses, official voter information, background materials, pro-and-con websites, newspaper articles and editorials, opinion polls, political endorsements, and financial contribution records.

The Library Corner - Spring 2024 Edition

March 22, 2024
Accessing our Historical Collections 1920-1983

Did you know that IGS Library historical materials collected before 1983 are not readily discoverable in UC Library Search, the UC library catalog??

In addition to policy reports, pamphlets, books and journals, the IGS Library has an extensive historical collection of state and local government information. Library staff utilize our knowledge of the collection along with several analog tools or “card catalogs” to assist researchers with uncovering materials for their work.

We rely heavily on the Author...

March 5, 2024 Ballot Prop. 1

Proposition 1: The Behavioral Health Services Program and Bond Measure. Authorizes $6.38 Billion in Bonds to Build Mental Health Treatment Facilities for Those With Mental Health and Substance Use Challenges; Provides Housing for the Homeless. Legislative Statute. Summary

Proposition 1 has been placed on the ballot by the California State Legislature and consists of two components, one that amends an existing law and one that establishes a new bond.

In general terms, Prop. 1 will create housing and treatment options, especially...