Matsui Center Cal-in-Sacramento Fellows

Deborah Adepeju Alagbada

Class of 2024
2024 Democracy Camp in DC
2023 Cal-in-Sacramento
2023 Golden State Fellow

Deborah Alagbada is a first-generation Nigerian-American majoring in Legal Studies and Sociology with a minor in Ethnic Studies. She was raised by her immigrant parents in Watts, a low-income neighborhood primarily occupied by Black and Latinx communities. Growing up, she witnessed a lot of inequalities streaming from a lack of resources and inadequate funding. Deborah hopes to use her degree to help amplify the voices of those who have been silenced for too long. By continuing the fight against injustice for everyone facing inequalities and...

Aiko Dabu

Class of 2026
2024 Cal-in-Sacramento
2024 Golden State Fellow

Aiko Dabu is a first-generation college student born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area to Filipinx-immigrant parents. Growing up in a low-income BIPOC community, she witnessed numerous instances where her family and friends were subjected to deliberate underpayment, overwork, and emotional abuse by their clients and employers. Witnessing the enduring impact of such abuse on her own immigrant parents, Aiko developed a strong commitment to advocating for improved legal resources and accommodations to support vulnerable immigrant communities in the workplace.


Jade Jaimes-Chavez

Class of 2026
2024 Cal-in-Sacramento
2024 Golden State Fellow

Jade Jaimes Chavez (She/Her/Ella) is a first-generation UC Berkeley student double-majoring in ethnic studies and data science and proudly represents her Mexican-American heritage. Raised in an immigrant, farm-working family from Orange Cove, California, Jade has witnessed firsthand the challenges of violence, poverty, and oppression that affect her family and the broader rural community in their struggle for equitable access to education, healthcare, and essential quality-of-life resources. As the first in her family to attend a 4-year university, Jade actively engages in public service...

Silas Nathaniel Kanady

Class of 2025
2024 Cal-in-Sacramento

My name is Silas Kanady, and I am from the central coast city of Santa Maria, CA. Currently, I am a junior transfer student at UC Berkeley, pursuing a major in social welfare and a minor in public policy.

Before embarking on my academic journey, I dedicated my young adulthood to serving as a soldier in the Army. With combat deployments under my belt in both Iraq and Afghanistan, I had the privilege of honing my leadership skills while serving as a Sergeant in the legendary 101st Airborne Division. These experiences profoundly impacted me and forever altered my...

Amelia Rose Monsour

Class of 2026
2024 Cal-in-Sacramento
2024 Jo Freeman Women in Politics Fellow
2023 Democracy Camp Berkeley Fellow

Amelia Monsour is a sophomore majoring in political science and sociology with a minor in public policy at the University of California, Berkeley. A proud graduate of K-12 public schools in Los Angeles, Amelia is passionate about addressing inequities in education and supporting California’s public school system. She is also passionate about addressing economic inequality and hopes to pursue a career in public service and law to advocate for economic justice and educational equity.

Throughout her time at UC Berkeley, Amelia has continued to develop her interest in public service and...

Jasmine Lozano Castillo

Class of 2024
2024 Cal-in-Sacramento
2024 Jo Freeman Women in Politics Fellow

Raised in the San Joaquin Central Valley, Jasmine is passionate about advocating for others, herself, and her community through academic, social, and legislative forums. She is a political science and ethnic studies double major with a race and the law minor, which have catered to and refined her passions for social justice, advocacy, community development, civic engagement, intellectual evolution, and educational and professional prosperity.

As her passion for social justice and public service is strongly embedded in her professional and personal goals, during...

Leila Phillips

Class of 2024
2024 Cal-in-Sacramento
2024 Jo Freeman Women in Politics Fellow

Leila Phillips is a first-generation transfer student at UC Berkeley majoring in political science. She was raised by a single mother who emigrated from Mexico and encouraged Leila’s academic journey throughout her life. Leila constantly looks for opportunities to use her academic background to benefit her community. On campus, Leila interns as a Student Assistant for the Transfer Student Center, helping facilitate transition courses for incoming transfer students. Interning with the Transfer Student Center allows Leila to fulfill her passion of contributing to one of the communities...

Juan Pablo Blanco

Class of 2024
2024 Cal-in-Sacramento
2024 Democracy Camp in Berkeley
2024 Diversity & Entrepreneurship Fellow

Raised in a modest family of five, Juan Pablo Blanco is passionate about some of the most pressing issues confronting working-class Californians. As a senior studying political science at UC Berkeley, Juan Pablo is mental health advocate who recognizes the importance of empowering communities for students in college. At UC Berkeley, Juan Pablo founded Unbox’d, a mental health awareness organization that offers students mindfulness resources.

Juan Pablo plans to attend law school, work in-house counsel, and start an immigration law firm. Coming from an immigrant...

Eric Zhu

Class of 2026
2024 Cal-in-Sacramento
2024 Diversity & Entrepreneurship Fellow

Eric Zhu is a current second-year student at UC Berkeley intending to major in political economy. Coming from a struggling, low-income, single parent, immigrant household, he has witnessed the mother’s hardship in struggling to make a living for his and his sister's education in the United States. He has grown a great interest in supporting struggling low-income immigrant families, and other marginalized communities, in finding better economic opportunities in the US. Currently, he is working with Asian Immigrant Women Advocates in coordinating outreach...

Elia Wong

Class of 2026
2024 Cal-in-Sacramento
2024 Diversity & Entrepreneurship Fellow

I’m Elia and I’m originally from Los Angeles, CA. I am currently pursuing my degree in data science and economics, with a minor in public policy to tie the two fields together. My main career objective is to use quantitative methods/data analysis and economic theory to improve the efficacy of current government policies/programs as well as to create new ones. Although I am more than happy to dive into anything that involves policy and data, I’m particularly interested in housing in California, regional economic development, and sustainable government practices.
