
Name Job title Role
Mansour Taleb-Ahmed Class of 2024 Democracy Camp, Democracy Camp in DC, Muir Award Recipients
Michele Talley Class of 2024 Washington Fellows
Luis Tenorio Synar Graduate Fellowship
Tess Thorman PPIC Research Affiliate PPIC Research Affiliate
Tina Thomas
Tina Thomas Of Counsel, Downey Brand LLP Matsui Center Advisory Committee
Riley Thompson Class of 2024 Cal-in-Sacramento
Somdeng Danny Thongsy 2023 Democracy Camp Berkeley Fellow Democracy Camp, Democracy Camp in Berkeley
Naydelin Chimil Tico Class of 2025 Democracy Camp, Democracy Camp in DC
Angel Tlachi Class of 2025 Democracy Camp in Berkeley
Justin Toshima Class of 2025 Cal-in-Sacramento
Robert Toyama IGS Library Cataloger Leadership, Staff
Samuel Trachtman Synar Graduate Fellowship
Beck Tran Class of 2024 Cal-in-Sacramento
Jennifer Tien Tran Class of 2026 Schaeffer Fellowship
Christine Trost Executive Director of IGS, and Director of the Robert T. Matsui Center for Politics & Public Service Leadership, Matsui Center Advisory Committee, Robert T. Matsui Center for Politics and Public Service
Maissa Trujillo Class of 2025 Cal-in-Sacramento, Schaeffer Fellowship
Phoebe Truong Class of 2025 Cal-in-Sacramento
Maggie Tsao 2022 Matsui Washington Fellow Washington Fellows, Student Directors
Daniel A. Tuchler 2014 William K. (Sandy) Muir, Jr. Leadership Award Recipient Muir Award Recipients